Uganda's Transition from Amin to Aminism : Exploring Yoweri Museveni's Anglo-American Backed Dictatorship and the Fundamental Change that Never was

Bok av Kizito Michael George
When Museveni captured power in 1986 and promised Ugandans a fundamental change, many Uganda were optimistic that the tyrannical days of dictators like Amin were over. After decades in power, Museveni's government is evidence of the fact that Uganda simply made a transition from AMIN to AMINISM. President Museveni's past 'no party democracy' and now present pseudo multiparty democratic system has been implicated in innumerable human rights abuses, election rigging and corruption scandals amidst the aloofness of America and Britain. Despite the numerous human rights abuses and corruption tendencies, Museveni's neo-liberal conduit government has managed to stay in power because western financial support. This book situates the hypocrisy of Museveni's government in the neo-liberal ideology of creating conduit states for primitive capitalist accumulation. The book shows how Museveni was created and protected by the Anglo-American neo-liberal Alliance. The book also shows how the Americans have used Pentecostalism to sustain Museveni's dictatorship through Pavlovian techniques.