Ekologo-Geologicheskoe Kartografirovanie Territorii Basseyna R.Bodrak

Bok av Baraboshkina Tat'yana
V monografii sistematizirovany rezul'taty ekologo-geologicheskogo kartografirovaniya basseyna r.Bodrak, vypolnennogo na baze ekogeosistemnogo podkhoda. Na razrabotannykh kartakh zadokumentirovany vedushchie geologicheskie faktory riska, snizhayushchie komfortnost' territorii dlya prozhivaniya cheloveka, sushchestvovaniya bioty i sel'skokhozyaystvennoy deyatel'nosti. Izlozheny metodicheskie aspekty ekogeologicheskikh issledovaniy i kartografirovaniya. Predlozheny varianty optimizatsii ekologo-geologicheskikh usloviy dlya ustoychivogo razvitiya territoriy. This monograph systematizes the results of ecogeological mapping of the Bodrak river basin. This systematization was performed on the basis of the ecogeosystem approach. The maps demonstrate the major factors of the geological risk, which makes the area unsuitable for the existence of biota, human habitation and agricultural activities. This monograph also includes methodical aspects of the ecogeological researches and mapping. The monograph introduces different approaches to the optimization of the ecogeological conditions for the sustainable development of the territories.