Frazeologizmy-Somatizmy V Russkom I Frantsuzskom Yazykakh

Bok av Gorodetskaya Irina
V monografii raskryvayutsya obshchie i razlichitel'nye priznaki frazelogizmov-somatizmov russkogo i frantsuzskogo yazykov s komponetami "tete/golova", "coeur/serdtse", "main, bras/ruka", "pied, jambe/noga", "oeil/glaz" na osnove sopostavitel'nogo semanticheskogo analiza. Prednaznachena dlya studentov, aspirantov, prepodavateley vysshey shkoly, vsekh interesuyushchikhsya frazeologicheskim fondom frantsuzskogo i russkogo yazykov. The subject matter of the research is the semantic analyses of the phraseological units includingn somatic components "tete, coeur, main, bras, pied, jambe, oeil". The research is based on contrastive, associative and cognitive analyses. In this work we present the element of national and cultural material which should be taken into consideration.