Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis of Schiff Bases Complexes : Synthesis and Characterization of Schiff Base Metal Complexes and their use as Catalysts for Olefin Cyclopropanation

Bok av Ahmed M A El-Seidy
This work has been carried out to investigate thecatalytic activity of some Schiff Base complexes incyclopropanation of non-activated olefins. Ten newSchiff base ligands were prepared (three diamines andseven thiosemicarbazones) and Characterized byelemental analyses and spectral studies (IR, NMR, UVand mass spectroscopy). One of the prepared diamineligands was optically active. Moreover, sometransition metal complexes of these ligands wereprepared by the reaction of the transition metal ionswith these new ligands, and characterized byelemental analyses, spectrophotometric studies (IR, NMR, ESR and UV-Vis.), molar conductivity andmagnetic moment determinations beside ESRmeasurements to enable the elucidation of thegeometrical structure of the prepared metalcomplexes. The results came with good agreement withthe proposed structures. Some of the prepared copperand cobalt complexes were investigated for theircatalytic activity in cyclopropanation ofnon-activated olefins and some of them showed anexcellent reactivity with a moderate to excellentselectivity. Five of the examined copper complexescan be used as catalysts in industry