Rationalising Government Structures for Improved Delivery of Services : THE CASE STUDY OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS OF UGANDA

Bok av Johnny Byohangiirwe
PMAs a result of decay of the Uganda Public Service,Government embarked on the exercise torationalise its structures through which services aredelivered.The main focus was to remove duplication offunctions, fill the needed positions in order toimprove service delivery.Although two rationalisation exercises had been undertaken, no assessment as to whether the aim for which this exercise had been setto achieve was done.The findings of the study indicate thatrationalisation of government structures had improvedresponsiveness in the delivery of education services,it had a bigger positive impact on customer care ofpublic officers, public officers had adopted customercare techniques of being hospitable,polite,receptiveand sensitive to the needs of thecustomers.Rationalisation of the Ministry ofEducation and sports had also satisfactorilyimproved coordination of government programmes.However this improvement was realised at the centerthan at the local government level.The study alsoestablished that the exercise had also improvedmorale of public officers basically for the fear oflosing their jobs as this exercise was associatedwith retrenchmen