Social Sustainability by Addressing Social Exclusion (Unemployment) : Corporation can contribute by taking social responsibility

Bok av Pervaiz Ali
The better understanding of sustainability and sustainable urban development isthe core issue in every society development projects. There has been a longprocess of defining sustainability and urban development. The definition that isglobal and does not limit to specific groups of people and resources proved to beworthy. The social dimension of sustainability is being addressed by MalmoMunicipality. The social exclusion in terms of unemployment is big challenge forsocial sustainable development in Malmo. The reasons of social exclusion in termof joblessness are financial down turn, influx of large number of immigrants, shiftof industries from Malmo. Acknowledging the importance of social sustainabilityand help jobseekers to get jobs, Malmo Municipality conducted a project 'jobs inHyllie' funded by the European Social fund. Theproject team's main goal is to convince companies to come forward and offer jobto unemployed people through the project 'Jobs in Hyllie'.