Taxo-Cognostic, Phyto-Physicochemical &; Biological Screening of a Plant : Taxo-cognostic,Phytochemical,Physicochemical parameters & Biological screening of Zyziphus oenoplia (L.)Mill plant root

Bok av Pulak Majumder
There are a number of plants which are used traditionally and by the tribal people which have not been validated or not been evaluated keeping the traditional claim in mind. Such agents available in traditional system of medicine (TSM) should not disappear from use before they can be fully assessed. Most of the pharmacological reports of plant extracts screens the organic soluble extracts of the dried plant material for their efficiency as anthelmintic in Indian worms, whereas the most traditional claims of the plants as anthelmintic agents involves application of fresh plants as pastes in water which is a major draw back in traditional system of medicine as which phytoconstituents are responsible for biological activity are not investigated and hence not scientifically proven. The various root extracts of Z. oenoplia promote remarkable anthelmintic activity and hence may be suggested for treating various types of worms in human beings. Z. oenoplia plants are abundantly available in and around. It could be a fairly economic therapeutic agent as a prohealer for worm management.The founding's may help to proper identification and ensures the quality of the drug and better use.