Legitimization of Identity : Rebel Governance in Nagaland

Bok av Triveni Goswami Vernal
Tracing the historical evolution of the Naga struggle, this piece of work seeks to explore the growth of a pan-Naga consciousness and the emergence of the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) in the political landscape of Nagaland. Critiquing the counter-insurgency measures pursued by the Government of India, an attempt has been made to delve deeper into the complexity of the Naga Imbroglio and highlight the workings of a parallel, de-facto establishment. Although the nature of the struggle has changed over the years, it has come to be deeply embedded in the Naga ethos. Adopting the lens of identity politics,an attempt has been made to address the issues of legitimacy, construction of a Naga identity, vision of the Naga Nation and the stalemate in the ongoing peace process.