In Vitro Scolicidal Activity Of Tinidazole : Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic studies

Bok av Hiwa K Saaed
The aims of the present study were, first: to demonstrate the efficacy of new candidate 'tinidazole' against Echinococcus granulosus by using in vitro model, second: testing what are the metabolic pathway chemotherapeutic targets in E. granulosus for the traditional antiparasitic drugs used?, and third: as an attempt to verify aspects on hydatid cyst membrane permeability to drugs. Besides demonstrating morphological alterations, assessing viability of E. granulosus protoscolices, and calculating of ED50 value, HPLC was used to obtain the information on the actual drug concentration within the E. granulosus metacestode fluid. The permeability constant of the cyst membrane was calculated, and the effect of drugs on carbohydrate metabolism and virulent enzymes was studied, as well. The current study appears to be encouraging, it indicates that tinidazole has protoscolicidal efficacy and an inhibitory effect on glucose metabolism and virulent enzymes, also showed capacity to reach the germinal layer and the protoscolices of the hydatid cyst interior at adequate concentrations, making tinidazole as an alternative treatment option against cystic echinococcosis.