Impact of Conflict and Violence on Basic Education : Consequences Of Conflict And Violence On Education In Mt. Elgon District

Bok av Judith Achoka
Since the early twenty first century, the severest conflict and violence took place in Mt. Elgon District around 2005-2007. This book revolves around social dynamics. Various reasons led to the occurrence of conflict and violence in Mt. Elgon. Among the most critical ones included: land related issues; political instigation; poor leadership; and unemployment. Notable impacts of the conflict and violence were: school wastages exacerbated by high rates of school dropouts; repeaters; and, poor academic performance especially in Kopsiro Division; psycho-social traumas; debilitated human resource; and, defunct infrastructure. Neighbouring districts were not spared the scourging impacts such as: Emergence of IDPs; insecurity; and economic crunch. Need for overhaul resuscitation in particularly, the education system including ECDE and non-formal education sectors and establish institutions of higher learning in the district; improve infrastructure; initiate peace building strategies; and, provide awareness in conflict management mechanisms.