Gender Perspective Of Local Government In Bangladesh : A Study on the Women Representatives in Union Parishad

Bok av Hasan Howlader
In Bangladesh Gender ideology is prevailed notably in all the spheres. So women in Bangladesh lag behind in terms of education, income and power than their male counterparts. They are considered as one of the disadvantaged groups in the society. To upgrade their political power and to mainstream them in decision making process Quota or reservation of seats has been introduced in different levels of National and Local Government. But still women works as the dancing-doll of the male representatives as they comprise the minority numbers compared to the male representatives. So they face different inequalities in decision making and getting equal share of projects in Union Parishads in Bangladesh.So the Govt. as well as the international community should come forward to strengthen the position of women representatives in the Union Parishad of Bangladesh. The the empowerment of Women representatives will be possible.