Suppression of Seed-Borne Fungi of Vicia Faba by Compost : The Use of Composted Organic Materials in Suppression of Seed-Borne Fungi Of Vicia Faba

Bok av Saber Mona
Twenty-six seed samples of six susceptible faba bean cultivars. A total number of 20 fungal species belonging to 13 genera were observed and identified. When comparing the recommended testing methods.The pathogenicity test, revealed that the most effective isolate on pre-, post-emergence damping-off and stunted seedlings were Fusarium verticillioides, Rhizoctonia solani, Cephalosporium sp., and Verticillium dahliae. It was shown that both compost extracts had an inhibitory effect on linear growth and sporulation of tested fungi in vitro and the inhibition was positively correlated to the extract concentration. When the yeast Saccharomyces cervaisae was applied as antagonist organism, it decreased the disease severity (pre-, post-emergence damping-off and stunted seedlings) caused by both Fusarium solani and Verticillium dahliae respectively.The results proved that the addition of compost treatments to soil improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil.In addition to the chemical properties of faba bean seeds so as compost (1) was more effective in increasing NPK concentrations and total protein while decreased heavy metal content (Ni, Pb and Cd).