The Nation of Islam : The History, Ideology, and Development of the Black Muslim Movement in America (An Islamic Perspective)

Bok av Mustafa Khattab
Many African-American Muslims (who now constitute the biggest single ethnic group among U.S. Muslims) have been first introduced to Islam through the numerous NOI temples across the U.S.-thanks to the charisma and oratory skills of Malcolm X & later Louis Farrakhan. The author earnestly explores the origins of the NOI ideology and its impact on other Muslim and black nationalist groups in the US. This book, probably the first scholarly work ever on the NOI by an Arab-Muslim from a prestigious institution of higher learning such as Al-Azhar University, is instrumental in understanding the history, future, and progress of Islam in America & the African-American community. Dr. Leonard Swidler, Professor of Catholic Thought and Interreligious Dialogue, Temple University, believes this book is "Extremely helpful in understanding contemporary Islam in America and the history of 20th-century American social history." Imam Taalib Abdul-Samad, Executive Director of IRHSCA, wrote, "As a former NOI member and being part of the Ministry at Muhammad's Temple #4 in Washington D.C., I found this book both informative and insightful. A must-read."