Leaf-Surface Mycoflora of Ocimum Sanctum : Characteristics of microbial life in the phyllosphere: great commercial importance to the agricultural industry

Bok av Kavita Sharma
Leaf surface is the plateform of the numerous fungal spores present in the air. During suitable microhabitat these spores are settled down on this having plateform and try to colonised. After settal down fungal spores, a triangular relationship appears among the micro-organisms, leaf surface and the environment. The seeds, leaves and the roots of Ocimum sanctum have great medicinal value. It is used both, internally as well as externally. Ocimum sanctum has mild antiseptic, analgesic properties and it relieves the swellings also. Hence, it beneficial, externally, in various skin diseases. The paste of leaves works well, with marica powder, when applied topically in ringworm infestations. The dressing with the pulp of its leaves effectively controls the infections and hastens the healing of chronic infected wounds. The leaves when chewed mitigate the infections of the gums. Instillation of fresh juice of the leaves into ears is an effective domestic medicament for ear aches. The present study deals with study of leaf surface mycoflora of Ocimum sanctum L. plant.