Post Operative Outcome Of Brain Tumors : In Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Bok av Muthukannan
"Why me? That's a natural question but I doubt if you'll ever get an answer. Why not me? The answer is because no one is immune. It is Me! This is where you are today. Take it one day at a time, face what you're up against, assemble your plan to combat it, and most of all, believe in yourself and your plan." Linda Kendall, Hemangioblastoma survivor, diagnosed in 1986 No one can prepare to be diagnosed with a brain tumor. It shatters your sense of well-being and personal security. With timely intervention and improved neurosurgical skills of neurosurgeons, proper localization of brain tumors with advanced nuerodiagnostics by radiologist, proper preoperative preparation and management of comorbidities by anesthetists and physicians and over to all prompt and effective resuscitative measures in emergency room and intensive screening, scrutiny for predicting complications, early recognition and treatment by emergency and intensive care physicians. All in a team have played a role in preventing postoperative complications and then adding to the good outcome in immediate postoperative period in patients with brain tumor.