Circadian Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Variability in Humans

Bok av Vaidya Nishtha
Blood pressure variability (BPV) is one of the recognized risk factor for different types of cardiovascular diseases. In recent times there has been an alarming increase in the incidence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in India. It is presumed that the phenomenon could be attributed to concomitant prevalence of abnormality in the blood pressure variability (BPV). We aspire that the results obtained and documented in this work will provide the scientific community with the novel data on BPV in human population of India that has never been studied earlier. In addition, a comparative account of BPV among healthy and hypertensive subjects may contribute significantly to the existing knowledge on the discipline. The outcome of the study might help in: (a) establishing the standard values of blood pressure and heart rate with special reference to gender and age, (b) assessing the relative role of predictors of hypertension, and (c) delineating plans to curb various cardiovascular diseases in India.