Customary Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Raya, Ethiopia : Traditional Dispute Settlement Methods in Raya

Bok av Sisay Mengistie Addisu
The customary conflict resolution mechanisms help to ensure peace and security thereby to maintain stability in the country in general and in Raya in particular. It is also accessible to members of the society. Above all such customary tribunals' activities reduce unnecessary delay of justice, as "Justice delayed is justice denied." And customary conflict resolution mechanisms help to avoid the sentiment of revenge among the disputing parties. However, the customary conflict resolution mechanisms have their own defect and sometimes they contradict with modern legal systems as they support criminals not to be prosecuted since customary tribunals resolve the problem. In Raya-rayuma there are almost the same customary laws and traditional practices though the people speak different languages. The Rayan customary conflict resolution mechanisms mainly focus on settling disputes and redressing the victim(s) of the conflicts rather punishing the perpetrator.