Gosudarstvennaya Podderzhka Innovatsionnoy Deyatel'Nosti

Bok av Stepanenko Dmitriy
V monografii issleduyutsya teoreticheskie aspekty formirovaniya gosudarstvennoy innovatsionnoy politiki, tekushchee sostoyanie gosudarstvennoy podderzhki innovatsionnoy deyatel'nosti v promyshlennosti Respubliki Belarus'. Razrabotan kompleks mer po aktivizatsii protsessa innovatsionnogo razvitiya natsional'noy ekonomiki za schet tselevogo gosudarstvennogo vliyaniya. Dlya gosudarstvennykh sluzhashchikh, uchenykh, prepodavateley, aspirantov, studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. The objects of the research of this monograph are the theoretical aspects of forming public innovation policy and the current state of government support of innovation activities in the sphere of industry of the Republic of Belarus. A package directed to activation the process of innovation development of national economy due to purpose state influence was elaborated. The main audience for the monograph is state employees, scientists, professors and academics, post-graduate students, students of higher educational institutions.