Planning and Implementation of Open Source AFIS for Indonesia E-Voting : A prototype of Indonesia's E-Voting with Automated Fingerprint Identification System based fully on Open Source Software

Bok av Agastya Alfath
Along with the implementation of electronic KTP (National ID Card that is powered by smart card technology), the Government of Indonesia has also planned to implement electronic voting or E-Voting for National Voting in year 2014. To realize this major plan, thorough planning, design, and implementation of the new system should be done. BPPT (Badan Penerapan dan Pengkajian Teknologi) has been chosen by the government to conduct research about this new E-Voting system. They currently already have a prototype of E-Voting system, but it lacks a verification module using fingerprint scanner, and is still using costly Microsoft Windows operating system. This book will focus on the planning, design, and implementation of automated fingerprint identification system specifically built for E-Voting which is fully based on open source software.