Subjekt Und Welt : Zur Konzeption Des Bewusstseins in Jean-Paul Sartres L'Etre Et Le Neant

Bok av Svaneke Schuler
The investigation of Sartre's theory of consciousness focusses on two main problems: First, the theory of consciousness presupposes the fact of self-consciousness but is not able to explain it without struggling with the difficulties of circularity and infinite regresses. The supposed pre-reflexive cogito that is aiming to express self-consciousness to avoid these difficulties remains a cogito concerning its internal structure of cogito and cogitatum.Furthermore this investigation shows that the origin of the presumed relation between the subject on the one hand and the world on the other hand is founded on the pre-reflexive cogito. For that reason this relation necessarily remains in pure subjectivity and is therefore not able to offer any possibility of evidently based knowledge about the world nor any concept of intersubjectivity or alterity.