Niemandsbuchten Und Schutzbefohlene: Flucht-Raume Und Fluchtlingsfiguren in Der Deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur : Flucht-Räume und Flüchtlingsfiguren in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur

Bok av Stefan Alker-Windbichler Svetlana Arnaudova Hansjorg Bay
The essays focus both on autofictions by authors who recently fled to German speaking countries and on literary depictions of refugees by established authors; they analyze works by a range of writers, from Anna Seghers to Peter Handke, from SaSa StaniSic to Abbas Khider. The contributions to the volume examine how refugee movements challenge traditional concepts of identity and nation but also call into question epistemic and legal conventions. While examining narrative constructions of the 'refugee', the articles focus especially on literary texts that criticize entrenched patterns of thought and stereotypes, often in a satirical manner. Contemporary literature searches for a language and narration by which to represent the particular states of exception which characterize the refugee experience.