Astronomer's Data Reduction Guide : Image processing through IRAF commands

Bok av Chrisphin Karthick M
This guide is good to start for beginner and expert to recall. This manual is written with the aim of most often used commands by astronomers in their data reduction and what an astronomer exactly needs. Since, I was using photometry and low resolution spectroscopy as data reduction for my work, here in this manual I dealt completely with these type of data reductions. In this guide most of the commands are dealt with usage of IRAF ( IMAGE REDUCTION and ANALYSIS FACILITY). Main feature of this guide is Low resolution spectroscopic data reduction commands are very clear. Also, the photometry and standardization method is clear and easy to understand. And cosmic ray removal of the frame through MIDAS (MUNICH IMAGE DATA ANALYSIS SYSTEM ) method is also presented well. This guide directly dealt with the commands instead of going for each commands theory explanation, assuming that user knew it before and only wanted to know commands behind it. When I was doing my work and data reductions, I had some difficulties to learn all these stuffs from one place and in a organized way, so that made me to write this.