Management of Chronic Pain in a Primary Care : Primary Health care practices

Bok av Mogalagadi Makua
Though the experience of living with HIV and AIDS is unique to each individual, a common factor is dealing with the chronic pain associated with the condition. HIV and AIDS patients may experience pain in more than one area simultaneously; the pain may be caused by the disease itself or the therapies used to treat the disease. The most frequent reason for HIV and AIDS patients seeking health care in a primary health care clinic is pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of chronic pain management for HIV and AIDS patients in a primary health care clinic in Tshwane District. The design was a quantitative survey with a qualitative exploratory component. The data-gathering method was self-report using a semi-structured interview format and observation using a checklist. Data analysis was done with descriptive statistics and content analysis using open coding. The study revealed that patients' pain was not effectively assessed, though more than 95% of the AIDS patients using the primary health clinic experienced moderate to severe pain.