Contemporary Slavery in the Amazon of Maranhao : Reality and Response

Bok av Landen Romei
Who would have thought that in the twenty-first century, the enslavement of human beings would still exist? Though distinct from the classic legal slave trade, contemporary slavery is a harsh reality, lived daily by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. This manuscript investigates the situation in the region of the Amazon of Maranho where the majority of slaves work on farms or carvoarias. It then asks why such an atrocity still exists. How does this barbarous practice perpetuate into contemporary work relations? With a case study at the principal organization that combats slavery in Aailndia, the Center of the Defense of Life and Human Rights, this manuscript then discusses ideas for improvement, and recommendations as to how best to eradicate slave labor for good. Join the fight against contemporary slavery by educating yourself about its reality and response.