Microfinance and Economic Empowerment of Rural Women : A case Study of Wisdom Microfinance Institution (S.C.), Adama Woreda, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Bok av Nigusu Zenebe
Developing countries like Ethiopia,Microfinance institutions play a vital role in reduction of poverty and improvement the living condition of poor people particularly women who did not have access to formal financial services. One of the objectives of Millennium Development Goals(MDG) is women's empowerment and gender equality. Economic empowerment is improving women's access to income-earning opportunities and productive assets. Women are the main participants and beneficiaries of microfinance programs in many countries. Microfinance serves as a means to empower the poor women, to create their own assets and involve them in decision making. This book is concentrated on the impact of microfinance programs on economic empowerment of rural women. Thus, compared with the result of non-clients, clients of Wisdom MFI improved their household incomes, access to and control over household resources and saving practices at adama district in Ethiopia. Strengthening microfinance programs, capacitating clients on use and management of financial activities and integration of external shocks in development intervention will enhance more economic empowerment of rural women.