Modern Relevance of Kalantarpranhar Marma : Marma are the vital points on body, where injury causes death or death like conditions

Bok av Anurag Dikshit
Marma, as described by Sushrut are the vital points on body, where injury causes death or death like conditions. They are also described as the vital spots where Prana resides and also where Vayu, Pitta & Kapha meet; or where Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas meet. The oldest manuscript proof available till date about Marma is Rigveda, where enormous literature in this regard is available. But while reviewing all the available literature, one thing could be seen common. That is description of Marma shows their importance in WAR or INJURY or during TREATMENT. Acharya Sushrut "Father of Surgery", has given detail description of 107 Marma's and Marmabhighata (Traumatology), their structural types, topographic distribution, vulnerability and prognostic status. Chest injuries had been under observation since 3000B.C. and there is gradual and regular development in the management of chest injuries and so are the causes of injury. Handguns replaced Knifes, Spears replaced Arrows and with the ever-increasing speed of vehicles from Bullock carts to Concords, the increase in frequency and intensity of trauma is obvious. War is one of the major factors in the development of trauma management.