Utilizing OpenMusic as a Tool for the Analysis of Lutoslawski's Chain2 : A Doctoral Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University

Bok av Man Fang
Lutoslawski is highly regarded as one of the most important composers of the twentieth century. He is influential not only through his music but also through his way of thinking about music and compositional techniques. Due to the complex nature of his music and techniques, few people have acquired adequate knowledge about him. Therefore, I have been searching for a method that would allow easier access to such treasures and I consider the adaptation of computer music program OpenMusic (OM)-as one of the methods that may achieve this goal. Music analysis using the computer is not a new subject, as it can be traced at least back to the 1950s. However, using OM to analyze music is fresh territory that has only begun to attract researchers. Following its rapid development, it stands out from various similar programs thanks to its unique graphic interface and open environment for its users. In this paper, I have adapted computer tools in the OM environment for the musical analysis of Lutoslawski's Chain 2-a violin concerto that was greatly favored by the composer himself. This methodology not only increases the speed of the analysis but also improves the clarity and accuracy.