The Role of Income Poverty on HIV Spread to Urban Women in Tanzania : A case of Women in Dar es Salaam

Bok av Riziki Nyello
HIV/AIDS seems to infect more women than men in Tanzania. However it had not been very clear on the contribution of income poverty on HIV spread to women in Tanzania, particularly in urban areas. Therefore this research gives light to different stakeholders in the area of HIV/AIDS like NGOs, Policy makers, goverment, Donors, religion organisations, international communities, individuals and others,on the role of income poverty on HIV spread to women and suggests measures to be taken in order to reduce HIV epedemic in Tanzania and Africa in general; Since in most cases, majority of African countries have almost the same culture. In addition, the research work also shows the the contribution of specific factors like financial dependene, women's ability to refuse having sex with their male partners/husbands and gender inequality which, is more dominant in poor communities, on the spread of HIV to women in Tanzania.Therefore, this work is of vital importance to women's welfare, Tanzanians in general and international communities. Let us fight against HIV/AIDS spread; let us save the mothers of African Children and let us make them happy.