The Bovine Epididymis : Development and Morphofunctional Characteristics

Bok av Mohamed Alkafafy
This book sheds light on the histological and histochemical characteristics of the bovine epididymis. A special concern was directed to the regional peculiarities that have been displayed by the different segments of the epididymis. The findings were discussed on comparative basis to the other domestic mammalian species. Moreover, structural-functional relationships were interpreted according to the glycohistochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings. A major part of this book was concerned with the prenatal development of the bovine epididymis. Application of glycohistochemical and immunohistochemical techniques proved that both can be valuable tools in the detection of the epididymal differentiation. Finally, I think that this book will be a useful reference for Veterinary Medicine students, veterinarians and those intrested in the reproduction biology.