Bjorn Ransve : Drawings 1961-2005

Bok av Stein Jorgensen
The Norwegian painter Bj?rn Ransve (b. 1944) is one of the best-known contemporary Scandinavian artists. Very few painters indeed express themselves so brilliantly in two dimensions on a sheet of paper, thematically, technically and formally. His work is a dialogue that embraces art history enthusiastically, one that is deeply rooted in art history yet articulates something new and relevant to our times. While still a student, he began to do figurative drawings, switching to abstraction before ultimately returning to the figurative although he never returns to precisely where he left off. Instead he is continually blending in new elements he has seen and recognised along the way. Consequently, his most recent work represents a sophisticated synthesis of elements from worlds which at first might seem virtually irreconcilable. This volume presents Bj?rn Ransve's drawings from all periods of his work. In themselves they provide a survey of his oeuvre as a whole since drawings always accompany his pai