Moments of Life : In Colour, Poetry and Music

Bok av Gerhard Bellosa
Moments of Life in Colour, Poetry and MusicMan is unique in the universe not because of his physical figure, but of his ability to reflect the beauty of our world by creating pictures (painting), language including poetry, and melodies (music).Man's capabilities of creating these kinds of art can never be achieved by any other living creature on our planet earth.The author of this book wants to show that art is a unity. Everything you see or hear or feel can be expressed and reflected by painting, poetry and music.In four chapters (The Seasons - Nature - Peace and War - Life and Death) Bellosa describes essential aspects of life.In spite of some pensive reflections the author sees our world in the light of optimism and consolation.It is interesting to remark that Bellosa is a German, but he writes some of his books in German and English, for example his song book for young children in the kindergarten or in elementary schools: Neue Lieder nicht nur im Kindergarten - New Songs not only in the Kindergarten.It is indeed the exception to the rule that one man expresses his experiences in life by means of colour, poetry and music.