Cats by Kuniyoshi: Ukiyo-E Paper Book

Bok av Nobuhisa Kaneko Kuniyoshi Utagawa
Imagine the life of Edo, an old name of Tokyo, in the early modern period there were many Ukiyo-e shops which were dealing with various woodblock prints just like fashion snaps or entertaining magazines as we know them today. Each Ukiyo-e work was sold individually and people bought the beautifully printed sheets of paper to learn the up-to-date trend of the day and/or to enjoy the artworks by displaying them on the wall as interior decor. This art book features cats humorously and satirically depicted by UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi (1792-1892), an outstanding Ukiyo-e great master. 60 reproductive artworks can be removed easily, so that the title can provide the authentic fun of Ukiyo-e to the people today along with a handful creative ideas owing to the plain design on the back side. This is a must for Japanese art lovers, cat lovers as well as those who seek new impression of art.