Marco Polo's Account of a Mongol Inroad Into Kashmir

Bok av Aurel Stein
This is a study by Sir Marc Aurel Stein, of the work of Sir Henry Yule, the principal and best known translator of the work of Marco Polo by the 14th century Dominican Friar Jordanus. This section concerns part of Ser Marco Polo Book I Chapter XVIII "Of the City of Camadi and its ruins; also the Carauna Robbers" and also Book I Chapter XXX "Of the Province of Pashai". The crossing point to reach Dir would more likely have been lower down such in Bajaur or one of the many passes around Asmar. In that case, Chitral as we know it today was never reached. Regarding the section, they "are Idolaters, of a brown complexion. They are great adepts in sorceries and the diabolic arts. The men wear earrings and brooches of gold and silver set with stones and pearls. They are a pestilent people and a crafty; and they live upon flesh and rice. Their country is very hot." This does not seem to refer to the Kalash Kafirs or the Nuristanis peoples especially since by every standard their country is cold. Also, the people of Chitral have fair complexion.