Golden Race Earth. Volume 1. the Earth - Thinking Planet. Part 2

Bok av L A Seklitova
This book tells the story of our planet from the standpoint of knowledge, data Supreme Cosmic Mind. It opens a new look at the history of Earth, the reasons for its appearance and its role in the life of the sun and moon, reveals the energy basis of construction of continents and oceans, the reasons for their connection with the living forms. The reader learns, for what purpose it took the planet climate and atmosphere; It will open a new structure of its material and subtle bodies, parallel worlds. A man acquainted with the world of intellectual activity and means of its development, solve the riddle of the appearance of legends about centaurs, mermaids, Amazons, and find out what the aliens arrive to us and what they do in the heart of the continent. The reader is acquainted with the real reason for the emergence and change of civilizations, knows when mankind will end its existence, and in what ways can leave Earth, and it will open the secrets of the Office of the Higher planet, the restructuring of the world through disasters, raise the veil of the future existence. . .