Life Without Drugs. Riddle of Our Health

Bok av V Petrenko
Health - a harmony with yourself and with nature. If a person moves away from nature and ceases to hear your body, it loses its protective function. Without knowing yourself, without knowing the reasons for his illness, the man seeks salvation by doctors, prescribers expensive medicines, and hopes for a magic "pill" that instantly deliver him from the pain and suffering. This person does not even try to change your lifestyle and attitude towards the world. But each of us has great potential of physical and mental health. This know our grandmother, great-grandmother and lived in harmony with nature. Some of the treasures of folk wisdom collected in this book. Vladimir Petrenko successfully combines knowledge from different fields of science, especially chemistry, biology, ancient knowledge about nature, about man, about the causes of disease and methods of treatment, with the best traditions of folk healers of various countries and peoples.