Upanishads. the Practice of Understanding the True Reality

Bok av Sh S Bhagavan
Birds do not need to be taught to fly. Anyone who is already high, there is no need to climb. But the one who yearns to climb high, you must first learn to bow low-low. At the feet of the teacher, to the holy feet of someone higher and purer and therefore is able to purify and elevate. Get rid of standing the arrogance of those who are "weak", "luck", "poor". We're all in the same boat, and tomorrow can be swapped. No unworthy of love and compassion. One bright sun shining for each and every. "Upanishads" means to bow low and sit down. Sit in front of the teacher and freeze, ears and heart open, eagerly listening to words of wisdom, immortal nectar choking knowledge of himself, delighted trembling from new discoveries. Live wisdom can be known only through reason, freed from all traces of attachment and hatred, egoism and possessiveness. When the lake heart cleansed by the viscous layer of slime, "I" will shine in all its original splendor.