Full Course of Lectures on Russian History

Bok av Sergej Platonov
Platonov Sergey Fedorovich - Russian historian, monarchist. The main work of Platonov - "Essays on the history of the Troubles in the Muscovite state XVI-XVII centuries. (The experience of studying the social structure and class relations in the Time of Troubles) "(1899). In the development of the Time of Troubles Platonov singled out three periods: a dynastic, social, national. Treating Troubles as a violation of public order, Platonov, a lot of attention paid to the social ferment in various layers of Russian society and mass movements. Plato sought the roots of the Troubles in Moscow life preceding period. In this regard, he gave his understanding of oprichnina as a state reform aimed at destroying the economic and political power of the "princes" and boyars in the interests of the nobility and tenements. Platonov came from the existence of the Moscow State two basic contradictions, one of which was a political order, and expressed in a collision, "the Moscow authorities and well-born nobility" and the other - social, lies in the fact that the government was forced in the interests of defense enslaves the peasants in favor of the nobility .