Black Horse

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Savinkov Boris Viktorovich - ideologist and an active worker of Russian terror, one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, head of the militant organization, the writer. The literary pseudonym - Q. Ropshin. The organizer of a number of sensational political murders, including Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Interior Minister VK Plehve. After the 1917 revolution, actively opposed the Bolsheviks, was Commissioner of the Provisional Government in the South-Western Front. Since the beginning of the Civil War, supported the creators of the Volunteer Army, he tried to assassinate Lenin and Trotsky. Cheka was arrested in 1924, sentenced to death, which was replaced by ten years of imprisonment. May 7, 1925 in the Lubyanka prison committed suicide. According to the official version of Boris Savinkov I jumped out the window of the fifth floor.