Matematika V Monografiyah Kniga 4. Elementarnaya Teoriya Chisel

Bok av &1041.&1040. ??????
Zaglavie "Elementarnaya teoriya chisel", dannoe nastoyaschemu referatu, ne vpolne otrazhaet tu tochku zreniya, kotoraya byla prinyata pri ego sostavlenii. V nyom sobrano vse to iz klassicheskoj teorii chisel i novyh issledovanij, chto osuschestvlyaetsya chisto arifmeticheskim metodom (t.e. bez vvedeniya ponyatij analiza, geometrii, irratsional'nyh i kompleksnyh chisel). Etot material udovletvoryaet bol'shej chast'yu i trebovaniyu "elementarnosti" v obychnom smysle etogo slova. Irratsional'nye chisla poyavlyayutsya lish' tam, gde oni neobhodimy po samomu suschestvu dela (glava II i nekotorye paragrafy glavy IV). Takaya tochka zreniya prinyata potomu, chto algebraicheskie, geometricheskie i analiticheskie metody v teorii chisel sluzhat predmetom osobyh referatov eto serii. This book, "Matematika v monografiyah Kniga 4. Elementarnaya teoriya chisel", by B.A. Venkov, is a replication of a book originally published before 1937. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible.