Proektirovanie Metallorezhuschih Instrumentov

Bok av I I Semenchenko
Raschet i konstruirovanie metallorezhuschih instrumentov: 1) rol' instrumenta v narodnom hozyajstve; 2) geometricheskie i konstruktivnye elementy rezhuschih instrumentov; 3) trebovaniya, pred'yavlyaemye k kachestvu rezhuschih instrumentov; 4) materialy, primenyaemye dlya izgotovleniya rezhuschih instrumentov, shlifoval'nye krugi; 5) Abrazivy, abrazivnye instrumenty i izdeliya ; 6) Almazy i almaznye instrumenty; 7) metody krepleniya instrumentov i ih zub'ev v sbornyh konstruktsiyah ; 8) napil'niki ; 9) reztsy ; 10) protyazhki ; 11) frezy ; 12) instrumenty dlya obrabotki otverstij ; 13) instrumenty dlya obrazovaniya rez'by ; 14) instrumenty dlya narezaniya tsilindricheskih koles ; 15) instrumenty, rabotayuschie po metodu ogibaniya, dlya detalej s neevol'ventnym profilem ; 16) instrumenty dlya narezaniya konicheskih koles ; 17) instrumenty dlya avtomatizirovannogo proizvodstva This book, "Proektirovanie metallorezhuschih instrumentov", by I.I. Semenchenko, V.M. Matyushin, G.N. Saharov, is a replication of a book originally published before 1963. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible.