Геополитика : Выпуск II. Украина

Bok av L Savin
The next release of the information-analytical edition of "Geopolitics" was published. Opens the editor in chief of the magazine article by Leonid Savin "Que Vadis Ukraine?", Which provides a brief retrospective analysis of Ukrainian politicians and geopolitical opportunities in the country. Article freelancer Kiev branch of the CIS Institute Vladislav Gulevich devoted to geopolitical doctrines of Ukrainians. Further, Andrei Kovalenko discussed prospects of Ukraine's federalization. Material director of the Center for Ukrainian Southern Federal University Eduard Popov dedicated to Russian and Russian movement in Ukraine. Zam. Editor of "Geopolitics" Alexei Kornev presented an analysis of aspects of the Crimean regionalism. Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea is paid attention to in the article by Dmitry Sosnowski. Gregory Mironov considers issues related to the Ruthenian issues. Sociological analysis researcher of the Ukrainian Center of Cultural Studies Sergei Sibiryakova shows the development of social consciousness in the Ukrainian managerial elite. In addition, the domestic reader can get acquainted with the classics of geopolitics - Article Paul Vidal de la Blache 'geographical conditionality of social reality. " In Russian it is published. Also in the publication of an analysis of the geopolitical events of the past month and a review of relevant publications. The edition is limited.