The Mystery of the Dancing Giants. Mysteries of Pre-Indo-European Population of the Western Europe

Bok av Z S Uzhahov
The book is dedicated to the ancient history of Western Europe, the author tries on the basis of historical facts, the works of ancient scholars and genetics data, to solve many historical puzzles. Who in ancient times it was built huge megalithic structures, such as Stonehenge in Britain, and who hides behind a way of giants and dwarves in European fairy tales and legends? Why in the language of the Celts - ancestors of the French and the Germans found the ancient kinship with the languages of the peoples of the Caucasus? Who were the Picts of ancient Ireland and Scotland? And what does the ancient Europe North Africa? The book is intended for fans and a wide range of experts on the ancient history of Western Europe, and may also be useful for students studying foreign languages (in terms of the history of languages).