Юнг и дистанционное видение.

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Remote viewing is defined as "the perception of a feature that allows you to receive information that is not available to any of the five senses because of the distance in time or space, thanks to a psychic abilities." In other words, the distance vision - is to use intuition to describe targets (objects, events, or any other type of information) that are inaccessible to conventional senses due to the fact that they are far away in time (past or future), the space (in other part of the world), or due to blockage of other objects (if the target is, for example, inside a closed steel safe). For a long time it was thought that remote viewing, like other forms of extrasensory perception (telepathy, clairvoyance), possible thanks to the fact that the brain works like a kind of "mental radio" receiver neuro-electromagnetic waves. However, the Russian and US researchers have refuted this theory. The psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung shows that ESP understand we can only after will explain normal sensory perception. Based on the philosophical writings of Parmenides, Plato and Kant, Jung reveals how unconscious archetypes allow both sensory and extrasensory perception. Synchrony as the principle of non-causal relationship between mind and matter, finds a continuum of consciousness-matter, not only establishes a connection between the mind and the universe, but between science and spirituality. Synchrony - is the link that makes remote viewing possible.