Notes by Denis Davydov Not Realeased by Russian Censors.

Bok av D V Davydov
Unique publication unusually sharp in its political significance of the notes of Denis Davydov, perhaps the most famous hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 could not allow censorship to make public comments in their independent judgment Davydova about members of the imperial family, of generals, politicians and diplomats of his time , the most resonant events in the country, a witness (and sometimes - and the party) which it was. Ratings Davydov government action and military leadership against the Russian army, military action during the Polish uprising of 1830 sharply at odds with the official point of view taken in public circles. These notes are essential to professional historians and for all true lovers of Russian history. The publication of "Notes" was made in Brussels in 1863, a well-known publicist and historian, an active figure in the free Russian press Prince Peter Dolgorukov.