History of Little Russia. Part Two

Bok av D N Bantysh-Kamenskij
DN Bantysh-Kamensky conducted historical research, while at the office at the office of the governor Prince NG Repnin - military governor of Little Russia. He described the many areas in which to commit remarkable events visited Chyhyryn in Subotiv, visited the ruins of the house Khmelnitsky, studied local archives in Poltava and Chernihiv received many interesting chronicles and letters from local landowners: Alekseeva, Chepy, Shafonsky, Rigelmana and Stavisky . In addition, he took his father's hard-NN-Kamensky Bantysh on the history of the Ukraine, the documents of the Moscow archives, Miller portfolios, archives and Little Russian Collegium Prince NG Repnin. Collected and studied the voluminous body of historical sources, DN Bantysh-Kamensky, initiated the establishment of a systematic pattern unfolded Malorossiiskoy history. In his opinion "... Little Russia, a country abundant occurrences ... deserves detailed deepisaniya." Published work, which brought the author wide popularity and scientific recognition. "The History of Little Russia", to which the author for all life returned more than once, releasing additions and clarifications reissue gives "loyal list of historical facts" and to this day is one of the best books that show a coherent history of the Ukraine.