The Reign of Elizabeth. Part Two

Bok av A I Vejdemejer
In the book, Alexander Ivanovich Weydemeyer, gained fame thanks to the cycle of historical notes, covering the period from the Time of Troubles to the accession to the throne of Paul I, describes the events of Russian history during the reign of Empress Elizabeth - from 1741 to the end of 1761, as well as an overview Acts of Peter III. Preceded by Elizabeth's reign the palace coup in 1741, is described in a previous paper of the author - 'Review of accidents in Russia since the death of Peter the Great to the accession to the throne of Elizabeth ", St. Petersburg. , 1836. Research AI Weydemeyer based on extensive collection of the most important historical sources, among them - a detailed description of the coronation of the Empress, notes contemporaries of those events, biographies of generals and statesmen of the XVIII century, official decrees, periodicals of the time. In the first part of the book the author gives in chronological order the main events that took place during the reign of Elizabeth, from her accession to the throne before the birth of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich. Emphasis is placed on the description of court life and relationships among the highest aristocracy, the participation of Russian weapons in European conflicts. The second part of the work is almost entirely devoted to Russia's participation in the Seven Years' War. In several chapters, described in detail the general course of hostilities, the individual battles, diplomatic negotiations, describes five campaigns of Russian troops in Prussia ended the capture of Berlin. Rounding out the story of the investigation of the court orders the sunset of the reign of Elizabeth, her concern about Orthodoxy, Russian science achievements of science and art, and finally, the description of the last day of the Empress. At the end of the book provides basic information about the changes that have occurred in the country since assuming the throne of Emperor Peter III. At the same time A. Weydemeyer gives a very positive assessment of his government decisions, internal and external policies.