A Brief History of the Life Guards of Semenov Regiment

Bok av P N Dirin
In St. Petersburg in 1883, it was published two-volume edition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Life Guards Semenov regiment. This brochure briefly describes the path of the famous Battle of the regiment since its inception before the reign of Alexander III. One of the two oldest infantry guards regiments (along with the Life Guards Regiment), traces its history to 1683, with "amusing the troops" Tsar Peter I. In 1700, he was named the Life Guards Semenov (on the palace village near Moscow Semyonovskoe where initially stationed). The regiment participated in Azov (1695-1696) and the Prut (1711) campaigns, all the most important battles of the Northern War (1700-1721), including marine, Gangut (1714) and Grengam (1720). And also in the Persian campaign (1722-1723 gg.), And its individual divisions - in a war with Turkey (1735-1739 gg.), And two wars with Sweden (1741-1743 and 1788-1790 gg.). In the XIX century. the regiment took part in the wars against Napoleonic France (1805-1807 gg.), the War of 1812, in the foreign campaigns of the Russian army (1813-1814.), and finally in the Russian-Turkish wars (1828-1829 and 1877-1878 gg.).