The History of Russia's War with France During the Reign of Emperor Paul I in 1799. Volume II

Bok av D A Milyutin
The large-scale work, prepared by order of Emperor Nicholas I, a detailed description of all the circumstances of military and diplomatic actions that occurred during the struggle with revolutionary France. The narrative begins with the reign of Emperor Paul, whose influence on subsequent events, according to the authors, appears crucial. How can more thoroughly painted unofficial circumstances negotiations and agreements between the allies, joint intrigue and the pursuit of personal gain by all parties. This is - a direct consequence of the authors set goals: to explain why, after the bloody battlefields of Europe in the anti-French coalition split, leading to an unexpected Russian emperor's alliance with Napoleon. From a military point of view, the book seeks to reveal all the details of your stay abroad, the army, the difficulties and hardships that accompanied her campaign, triumphs and victories glorified Russian weapons in centuries.