History of the Life Guards Regiment of Chasseurs a Hundred Years. 1796-1896. Atlas

Bok av Kollektiv Avtorov
In 1896 it was published a two-volume anniversary edition of "The History of the Life Guards regiment of Chasseurs a hundred years: 1796-1896" drawn up by officers of the regiment on the basis of archival documents, articles from periodicals and memoirs. In 1796, teams from Jaeger regiments Life Guards Semenov and Izmailovsky from Jaeger company Gatchina troops was formed by the Life Guards Jaeger Battalion, renamed in 1806 in the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment. In 1856, the regiment was renamed the Life Guards Gatchina, but in 1871 he was returned to its former name. Life Guards Jaeger Regiment took part in the wars with France (1805, 1806-1807, 1812-1814), Turkey (1828-1829, 1877-1878), in the suppression of the Polish uprising (1830-1831) and World War I (1914 1918). In early 1918 the regiment was disbanded.