Russia's War with Turkey and the Polish Confederates (1769-1774). Volume III

Bok av A N Petrov
Taking the description of the first Turkish war, during the reign of Catherine II, the author tried to explain the military and political events of the time as fully as possible, to the extent allowed manuscripts known to him the archives of the General Staff, the state and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Petrov ever happen to one of the first to disassemble the case management of Count Rumyantsev, only transferred to the archives of the General Staff. Petrov also presented in the description of the course of military action not as a historian he see in the distance a large amount of time, after studying a variety of instruments, but if the author and the reader is located on the site of human decision-making at the very historical moment; At the same time, the event signified explained later to the actual value of the facts.